Some important vocabulary for BCS,Admission Test Exam
These Vocabulary will help you to do well in BCS, Bank Job and University Admission Test. There is no substitute for learning vocabulary to improve your English skills. The more vocabulary a sentence can be written, the more beautiful it becomes. And to get good marks, the sentence must be beautiful. But vocabulary is not easily remembered and co-type vocabulary does not come up in the test. The following books are written with a simple technique to remember Vocabulary. All the vocabularies that have come up in the past years have been arranged in books.
Most of the questions that come from English in BCS Prelims, Retains and Bank exams are largely Vocabulary dependent. Such as Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogy and Passage.
There are a lot of difficult words in each part. But with a little effort it is possible to get a lot of marks from this part.Because many vocabulary are common. I hope that all the problems of Vocabulary will be removed by following the books given below. There are many more types of books on our site. Such as BCS Prelim Preparation Book, BCS Written Book,
Bank Prelim Book, Bank Written Book, Non Cadre Job Book etc. All books can be downloaded for free.